Saturday, August 18, 2007

I've moved my blog

I've moved my blog. There are a few different reasons why but the big one was that spaces didn't really support Firefox very well. Everytime I wanted to post about something I had to open a totally new browser window etc. It was a pain in the neck, and really it's a small thing, but it kept me from posting at time that otherwise I might have.

The only reason I used live spaces was it had nice integration with XBox Live. But I found this site called My Gamer which hosts custom gamercards you can use just about anywhere. So, since I can put my gc anywhere and the family is all here, this is where I moved. So, while you're here, admire my new card up there in the top right corner. Nice eh? Your eyes do not betray you; that is Ken from Puzzle Fighter which is coming to xbl arcade soon.

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