Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Referendum What?

I wrote two different posts about referendum one. Then I deleted them both. I wasted about an hour and a half on that. I would have rather played Xbox. So, thank you referendum one and web 2.0.

You're like the Wonder Twins. Alone you are nothing, but combined you have the power to destroy a perfectly good evening of gaming.

I'm going to bed now. I'll sure be glad when this 'voting' stuff is over...


More Bacon said...

Why did you write two and then delete them? Seems like an awful waste of good gaming time...

Michael said...

I'll tell you why I deleted the first some time when we're face to face. The second just seemed like it might hurt people's feelings.

The Internet gives everyone a voice. Unfortunately that doesn't mean I have anything worth saying :).

Kenneth said...

I'm interested in the other post also

Adam Kynaston said...

I also find myself wishing I knew your stance. Nothing like good political bantering to pass my days.

Adam Kynaston said...

On further thought, I wish I could refrain on the basis of hurting other people's feelings. I wonder if other people refer to me as the over opinionated jerk that offends everyone. Can that possibly be worse than being passive? I suppose opinionated folk have less friends, but probably more serious friendships.